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賽璐璐畫 Anime cel  x 1

動畫原畫 Anime douga x 1


動畫製作過程, 原畫師的中古親筆製作手稿
This is a real and vintage production material during the animation production process



Animation production is a handicraft industry. In the early days when computer CG technology was not fully popularized, celluloid film  was one of the early methods of making animation using transparent plastic film, which is known as "anime cel nowadays". And "Genga" and "Douga" means the original sketches/line drafts of the anime production process.



The production of animation requires the animetor to manually draw various scene backgrounds, expressions and gestures of the characters, etc. The animetor outline the character lines (Genga and Douga), and then fill in colour and shadow on the transparent celluloid film. With hand-drawn watercolor backgrounds to make a rich animation effect, an complete animation work is produced by shooting frame by frame.



A one-second animation requires at least 8 or more hand-drawn drawings, plus various backgrounds, supporting roles, effects and objects. A 30-minute cartoon animation often requires at least tens of thousands of films and sketches to be produced. Each frame of celluloid is a puzzle in the history of animation. 

外星BB撞地球 中古 賽璐璐動畫 原作手繪原稿 Da Da Da Cel with genga

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