- 購 物 指 引 Shopping Guide -
0(自由選項) 購物前,可先登記成為網站會員。只需填上電郵等簡單資料,即可隨意登入網站訂單,瀏覽訂購產品和到貨月份。
(Optional) You may register as our member before purchasing products. Simply provide your email and you can log in to check your orders and status anytime.
1 在首頁選取產品分類,瀏覽產品,也可以在頁頂搜尋欄輸入關鍵字查看產品。
Browse our home page and choose the product category you are interested in. You can also search for items on the page top search bar.
2 查看產品詳細資料及到貨月份。 加入購物車供之後結帳。
Check the product description and its arrival month (mainly in Chinese). Add them to shopping cart before checking out.

3 按頁頂購物車符號查看物品,可以隨時增減。 確認後,請按購物車結算,進入付款程序。
Click the shopping cart icon on page top to view, add or delete your items. Carefully confirm your list and proceed to check.
4 細心確認預算產品及價格,選擇所需付款方法。 詳細付款方式請看下欄說明。
Review you list again and choose your Payment method. Please check below for details about payment method.
5 填妥所需資料。如有需要,可以附加備註。
Fill in all required information. You can leave us a remark if needed.
6 成功確認訂單後,按照提供之資訊付款及保留有關證明,並予店主查收。
Keep you order numer. After placing your order, please send us your proof of payment.
7 注意,不論任何一種付款及運送方式,入款後都要另外再使用Facebook inbox 通知店主,並提供 (1)訂單號碼 和(2)付款證明。
No matter which payment and shipping method you chose, you MUST send us your (1)order number and (2)proof of payment via Facebook message.
8 經過店主確認後,成功購買產品。 到貨後將會另外得到店主聯絡取件。
We will confirm you order via Facebook message. Product arrival notification will also be sent to your Facebook inbox too.
9 注意:透過網頁落訂,而最終棄單者, 將列作黑名單處理!
Those who placed their order without payment/ no-show will be considered as blacklisted customer!
- 入 款 方 法 About Payment -
No matter which payment method is chosen, FACEBOOK MESSAGE after order placement IS REQUIRED for confirmation!!
Facebook : www.facebook.com/hkhappybuyer
1) 香港匯豐銀行 HSBC
請在三個工作天內入款到銀行戶口,另外請把 (1) 訂單號碼 和 (2)入數紙 傳送至本店 Facebook 。
Transfer you payment within 3 working days and send us a message with (1) order number and (2) bank receipt.
請在三個工作天內入款到PAYME,請把 (1) 訂單號碼 和 (2)付款截圖證明 傳送至本店 Facebook 。
Transfer you payment within 3 working days and send us a message with (1) order number and (2) proof of payment.
3) 轉數快 FPS
請在三個工作天內入款到FPS,請把 (1) 訂單號碼 和 (2)付款截圖證明 傳送至本店 Facebook 。
Transfer you payment within 3 working days and send us a message with (1) order number and (2) proof of payment.
4) PAYPAL 付款 (+5%)
此方法需要另外附加5%平台手續費。閣下如使用Paypal付款,請在訂單所示金額外,另外計算5%手續費。另外請把(1) 訂單號碼 和 (2)付款截圖證明傳送至本店 Facebook 。
5% Paypal service charge is required. Please check your total amount and calculate the bonus 5% yourself. Shipping fee excluded until product arrival. Transfer you payment within 3 working days and send us a Facebook message with (1) order number and (2) proof of payment.
If the payment is not completed within 3 days, your order placement will be considered as unsuccessful. Those who discard the order will be blacklisted. Please contact us for details.
- 運 送 方 法 About Shipping -
本店所有產品已包含日本寄港, 但仍然未包括從本店寄送至各位客人手上的運費。運費將會在產品到港,按實際體重和取件方法另行收取。
Shippping fee from Japan to Hong Kong is included. However, shipping fee from HK to your address is excluded until product arrival. We will request the shipping fee after weight calculation.
1) 順豐速運 SF Express (LOCAL)
順豐速運運費到付。如果使用有關運送方式,會在到件後直接寄送。請提供 (1)姓名 (2)收件人電話 和 (3)地址。如果寄送門市或者順豐智能櫃,請提供有關順豐點碼和所屬地區。例如 : 852FAL, 屯門。
Shipping fee pay by receiver. Please provide your (1) receiver name (2) phone number and (3) SF address. If your address is a SF Express store or locker, please provide the code and district of the store. EG: 852FAL, Tuen Mun.
2) 黃店速運 853 Express (LOCAL)
852 Express運費到付。如果使用有關運送方式,會在到件後直接寄送。請提供 (1)姓名 (2)收件人電話 和 (3)指定自取點地址。注意此運送方式暫時不支援送上門, 要在特定合作門市自提。請先測看有適合地址才選用此方式。
Shipping fee pay by receiver. Please provide your (1)name (2)phone number and (3)852 Express self-taking address. Please note that 852 Express doesn't send parcels to residential areas. Please check their parcel collection point before choosing this method.
3) 香港平郵 Hong Kong Post(LOCAL + INTERNATIONAL)
International customers will receive their product by Hong Kong Post with tracking number. Shipping fee to your address is excluded until product arrival and weight calculation. Price based on Hong Kong Post official website.
4) 見面交收 Trade in HK(LOCAL)
交收只是額外為個別顧客方便的選項,未必能配合所有客人。產品到香港後會另行相約交收,地點 : 旺角、天水圍為主。然而如時間地點未能夠完全配合,需要改用 1) 2) 3)。
It is only an extra option for some customers needed. We will send you our group trading timeslot after product arrival. If our timeslot isn’t the best match for you, please consider using 1) 2) or 3).
如有任何疑問,歡迎透過Facebook inbox向店主查詢。 更多資料請見 Q&A。
Please feel free to contact us via Facebook message. View more in Q&A.